Tentang SayaCV
Selamat datang pada website resmi saya and thank you for your interest in my professional initiatives. As an educator, I am dedicated to expanding the boundaries of science education and teacher professional development through innovative strategies. My educational background, which includes a Ph.D. in Environmental Citizenship Education and a master's in science education, guides my efforts.
With over 30 years of experience at Universitas Terbuka (UT), I understand that higher education in open and digital environments requires core values of Quality, Integrity, and Equity. These values are crucial in enhancing understanding of the employment world, accessibility, and inclusivity in education. They are not merely academic; they serve as practical tools that prepare our students to navigate and succeed in diverse professional environments. By improving accessibility, we open doors for all learners, irrespective of their backgrounds, ensuring that education serves as a bridge to understanding complex job markets and fostering an inclusive and adaptive workforce.
- AI-Supported Micro-Teaching
- STEAM-based Curriculum in Science Teaching
- Digitalized Evaluation in Mastery Learning
- Enhancing Higher Education and Business-Industry-Commerce Relations
- Analyzing Student Attitudes Towards Science and the Environment
- Apps-based Measurement of Students’ Digital and Online Competencies
Jargon Kerja
Quality is defined by a commitment to excellence in every initiative, reflecting our dedication to achieving the highest standards in all operations.
Integrity is manifested through consistent ethical actions and transparency, ensuring that every decision and interaction is based on profound honesty and accountability.
Equity represents our commitment to providing fair access and opportunities to all, emphasizing the importance of innovation and relevance in generating meaningful social impact.
These values articulate our work ethic and guide our relationships with all stakeholders. By emphasizing Quality, Integrity, and Equity, we steer the organization to operate ethically and inclusively, ensuring that every step we take strengthens our commitment to equality and justice.
Latar Pendidikan
Philosophy of Doctor (Ph.D.) in Environmental Citizenship Education
The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
NSW, Australia
Master of Arts in Science Education
The University of Iowa
Bachelor of Chemistry Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Youtube Channel
Temukan tayangan terkini dari Youtube Channel saya, "Dialogue with Experts." Jangan lupa untuk SUBSCRIBE.
Bagian ini menampilkan berbagai program yang telah saya pimpin di Universitas Terbuka, dengan fokus pada teknologi pendidikan, desain kurikulum, dan pelatihan profesional. Setiap contoh menonjolkan upaya kami untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan inklusivitas pendidikan, yang berlandaskan pada kualitas, integritas, dan kesetaraan, dengan hasil yang berdampak.
Selamat menikmati Portfolio Publikasi!
Di sini Anda dapat menjelajahi berbagai karya ilmiah saya yang tersedia di berbagai platform termasuk Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus, ResearchGate, ORCID, dan Academia.edu.
Setiap platform menawarkan wawasan unik tentang aktivitas riset dan kolaborasi saya dalam teknologi pendidikan dan pendidikan sains. Anda dapat menemukan artikel terperinci, informasi sitasi, atau peluang kolaborasi melalui sumber-sumber ini.
Proyek dan Kolaborasi
Explore My Projects and Collaborations: Dive into the various projects and collaborations I've been part of, spanning research, academia, and partnerships.
Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)
Tahun: 2024 - 2025
Jabatan: Anggota sebagai Chief Editor Jurnal IJRSE
Pendidikan Kimia - FKIP - Universitas Terbuka
Tahun: 1993 - Now
Jabatan: Staf Dosen
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Tahun: 2023 - Now
Jabatan: Member
National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
Tahun: 2018-2024
Jabatan: Anggota
Demo Proyek
Try out project demos and interact with innovative solutions.
asilitas menu utama yang disiapkan dalam mengikuti program kursus dan kompetensi.
Sistem Informasi Riset Mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka
Web UT
EKDO - Pengalaman Pembelajaran Online
Buku Digital
Each book is based on my in-depth research and practical experience, focusing on providing profound understanding and innovative solutions within relevant topics.
Hear from others about their experiences working with me. Learn about collaboration, mentorship, and academic impact.
Email: udan@ecampus.ut.ac.id
Telepon: 0217490941
Alamat: Jl. Pd. Cabe Raya, Pd. Cabe Udik, Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15437